
What a fantastic day last Saturday!!
Over 100 lower kyu grades students were successful today in passing there gradings.

The level and standards were very high, with highest amount of full grades being achieved!

Thanks to all students & parents for your continued support!!

A fantastic job done by all instructors for all the hard work with your students!!

And as usual to my team without you it would be impossible. THANKYOU!!!
See you all at your next session.
Oss sensei Jason

IMPORTANT!! Times for the Weekend

The return of
Christina pocket Rocket Kavakopoulou &
Rebeca Latin kumite sensation Ferrer
Plus the first visit of Nadia Gomez.

Itinerary :-

Saturday 15th June
Washington Village Hall
Valley Forge
NE38 7JN


1 10.00 – 11.15
2 11.15 – 12.30
3 13.00 – 14.15
4 14.15 – 16.00

Sunday 16th June
Bury Castle Armory
Greater Manchester


1 9.30 – 10.45
2 10.45 – 12.00
3 12.30 – 13.45
4 13.45 – 15.00


2 sessions £20
4 sessions £35

Cika members

2 sessions £15
4 session £25

Myself and Sensei Kevin Blewitt are looking forward to seeing you all.
Oss sensei Jason Netherton

British 4 Nations Championships

So last weekend saw the British 4 nations championships.
I would like to congratulate our young squad they did themselves proud.
The level was extremely high which was great for the students to experience and will help them in future tournaments. A brilliant result for Alfie Bronze medal WOW!!
Thanks to all support of our parents, A great day i think you can agree!
Finaly back to the superstars that are our kids,
There behaviour as individuals was fantastic, proud of them all
Oss sensei Jason

Important Grading updates “Times”

Sat, 8 June, 09:00 – 18:00
St Bedes Morris Green C Of E Primary School, Morris Green Ln, Bolton BL3 3LJ,
9am-12pm White, White & Orange and Orange & White belts
9.00am Registration / Pre-Grade Class
10.00am Gradings and Awards
Finish 12.00pm (approximate)

12pm-3pm Orange and Red belts (including gold stripes and yellow&white)
12.00pm Registration / Pre-Grade Class
1.00pm Gradings and Awards
Finish 3.00pm (approximate)

3pm-6pm Yellow, Green, Purple and Purple&White belts (including gold stripes and blue&white)
3.00pm Registration / Pre-Grade Class
4.00pm Gradings and Awards
Finish 6.00pm (approximate)

Thank you


Summer Seminar

Good evening guys.
On 4 weeks to the return of
Christina pocket Rocket Kavakopoulou &
Rebeca Latin kumite sensation Ferrer
Plus the first visit of Nadia Gomez.

Itinerary :-

Saturday 15th June
Washington Village Hall
Valley Forge
NE38 7JN


1 10.00 – 11.15
2 11.15 – 12.30
3 13.00 – 14.15
4 14.15 – 16.00

Sunday 16th June
Bury Castle Armory
Greater Manchester


1 9.30 – 10.45
2 10.45 – 12.00
3 12.30 – 13.45
4 13.45 – 15.00


2 sessions £20
4 sessions £35

Cika members

2 sessions £15
4 session £25

Myself and Sensei Kevin Blewitt are looking forward to seeing you all.
Oss sensei Jason Netherton

Black & Brown belt Grading

Big congratulations to all involved in gradings last Saturday.!! 5 new Dan grades. Very proud of you all.
Thanks to all who helped and supported as usual a true club/family day!!
#karatefamily #ipponkarateacademy #inspire
#achieveyourgoals #amazingkids #humbled

August 2019 Summer Camp Champions Dojo

Guys after speaking to sensei Junior today. He has informed me that there will be 3 summer camps in August this year.

Unfortunately my original plan to visit in the finale week of August will not be available.

Please can I ask the students planning to travel to comment on what dates best suits them.

Weekends of the following,

August 10th/11th  –  17th/18th  –  24th/25th

Thank you sensei Jason.

Important Grading Update!!!

Hi guys.

Just to confirm, this Saturday grading will be taking place at St Peter & Pauls

Pilkington street, Bolton.

Times as normal

Oss sensei Jason

Sensei Junior Seminar Important update

Guys i have just been speakng to sensei Junior Lefevre and we have altered the date of the winter seminar. There was an oversight in senseis diary which means he is unavailable on the weekend of the 16th ov November.
The seminar will now be the weekend following 23rd/24 November.
Thanks for your understanding guys 🙂
Os sensei Jason

Class Time Change!!

Due to Black Belt gradings st Bedes school class will be run for 1 hour only 11.00am – 12.00pm

Thanjs for your understanding

Sensei Jason