Hamish “For students who make excuses”
Guys i have just been speakng to sensei Junior Lefevre and we have altered the date of the winter seminar. There was an oversight in senseis diary which means he is unavailable on the weekend of the 16th ov November.
The seminar will now be the weekend following 23rd/24 November.
Thanks for your understanding guys 🙂
Os sensei Jason
Adults/Senior only class next Sunday 11.30am / 13.00pm Bury Castle Armory
Oss sensei Jason
IKA Squad training next Sunday 10.00am – 11.30am Bury Castle Armory All levels and experience welcome oss Sensei Jason
An amazing weeking at the Dual City seminar.
Thank you Stanislav Horuna for giving us your time in your busy schedule.
Big thankyou for all students from both North East & North West who supported the event.
Thank you to Sensei Kevin Blewitt and your team for your fantastic hospitality.
And as usual my guys who look after these events and make them totaly enjoyable.
Oss sensei Jason.
Mad Hatter’s fun day 14th April. Radcliffe girls and boys club. Sensei Jason Netherton will be in the stocks from 11:30-13:00 come along and have a go 50p for 1 wet sponge throw or 3 for a £1. Please arrive early as there may be a queue😁
Sensei Phil will be taking over from Sensei Jason at 1:15 so make sure you save some pennies and sponges for him😁
Good evening all karateka.
A little under 2 weeks for the the return of Cika superstar Stanislav Horuna.
Looking forward to a brilliant weekend.
Oss sensei Jason
Good evening guys.
Another amazing weekend come and gone with Sensei Junior Leferve.
The weekends are simply not long enough.thanks again to all rhe supoirt team who made the weekend enjoyable.
We were lucky again to meet some fantastic guests, some new faces and old friends brilliant to see you all.
Finally thanks to all the guys who gave there time at the end of a long weekend to tidy the Dojo.
Oss sensei Jason
Only 4 day’s to go until the boss is back!!! Please check calender for details. Look forward to seeing you.
Sensie Jason Netherton chairman Cika England
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