Online Classes 02/11/2020

Itinerary as follows

Good morning all.
Now our dojo karate classes are steadily running its is very important we keep our Zoom classes available for our students who are self isolating.
With the start of half term we will be putting a mixture and morning and afternoon classes on to break up the flow of the day.

Please remember to still train a minimum of twice each week.

Meeting ID: as usual
Password: as usual

Week comencing 02/11/2020


18.30 Adam Samuels Facebook & Zoom


18.30 Zack & Dawud Facebook & Zoom


18.30 Sensei Jason Zoom & Facebook


18.30 Joe Allan Facebook & Zoom

18.30pm Katie-Leigh Fitness Facebook & Zoom




10.30am Sensei Christiana

Oss sensei Jason

Special Guest Online Class Sunday 1/11/20

Hell All.
Great news Sensei Rebeca Ferrer will be taking our online karate class on Sunday 18.00pm.
Classes and Bury & Hale as normal.
Looking foward to seeing and training with our karate superstar Rebeca again.
Sensei Christina will be giving class also next week.
Enjoy every one.
Oss Sensei Jason

Change to Fridays Online Training Time

Hello all.
Due to half term we have decided to move Katie-Leigh Friday Karate fitness to 10.30am. 30/10/20
Enjoy Sensei Jason

Remembrance Sunday Poppy Appeal

As we fast approach Remembrance Sunday all the Instructors & students at Ippon Karate Academy would like to take a moment to remember all those who gave there lives so we can continue to enjoy our freedom.

With COVID-19 causing changes to all of our lives in many ways it has had a huge effect on the Royal British Legion and the fundraising the do for the Poppy Appeal, the poppy appeal was founded in 1921 by Moina Michael who was inspired to adopt the poppy in memory of those who had fallen in the war. She campaigned to get it adopted as an official symbol of Remembrance across the United States and worked with others who were trying to do the same in Canada, Australia, and the UK.
Also involved with those efforts was a French woman, Anna Guérin who was in the UK in 1921 where she planned to sell the poppies in London.
There she met Earl Haig, founder of the Royal British Legion, who was persuaded to adopt the poppy as an emblem for the Legion in the UK. The Legion, which had been formed in 1921, ordered nine million poppies and sold them on 11 November that year.

With the current regulations meaning the sale of poppies and the amazing poppy sellers we are so used to seeing at this time being very limited we would like to ask all our students and their families support the Royal British Legion in any way they can.

Dawn Edwards has been working hard painting some amazing remembrance tributes in windows across Bolton and producing some fabulous acetate window decorations with 100% of the money raise going towards the Poppy Appeal so far she has received order totalling over £650 Proving we can all do our part.

Please visit where you can download a poppy for your window or make a donation to an amazing cause.

Can i remind everyone there will be no training at Bury Castle Armoury on November 8th as military celebrations will be taking place.
Thanks for your respect and support of everyone. 🙏

Why we do what we do

To my Karate Instructor brotherhood.

Im sure we all go through times of asking ourselves “why we do what we do”?
Yes the Uphoria of seeing people passing grades, winning medals or just generally improving themselves is the best!!
However the disipline and code we choose to follow means at times we are in the business of saying NO in a growing society of entitled individuals 😔
Over the last 7 months my team at Ippon Karate Academy have been absolutely amazing, which has been recognised and acknowledged by the majority of the club.
However even with all the best efforts made there has been some negativeity which can easily bring the feeling of the instructors of the club down.
So why do we do what we do?
I would like to share to my amazing instructors and my fellow peer instructors what I recieved today.

“Hello id like to share this with you…
Thinking today, about how much karate has helped me, To improve myself, fix myself whatever..

I used to suffer from panic attacks,
I didnt know, because I’d always had them…
I thought how I felt sometimes was just normal, for everyone…
I hid it , mostly pretty well..

So the internal panic, the nervousness, the rapid heart beat, lack of focus, clumsiness, sweating and the overwhelming feelin of wanting to run away…

The minute I felt I was center of attention…
Or felt people were looking at me…

I suffered quite badly…

Thats gone now…
Pretty much completely…

And I am 100 % sure that a massive part of that is down to karate….

Thank u…
For what uve done for me… ”


Thank you for your kind comments.

Half Term Zoom Classes

Itinerary as follows

Good morning all.
Now our dojo karate classes are steadily running its is very important we keep our Zoom classes available for our students who are self isolating.
With the start of half term we will be putting a mixture and morning and afternoon classes on to break up the flow of the day.

Please remember to still train a minimum of twice each week.

Meeting ID: as usual
Password: as usual

Week comencing 12th October 2020


18.30 Adam Samuels Facebook & Zoom


10.30 Zack & Dawud Facebook & Zoom


10.30 Sensei Jason Zoom & Facebook


18.30 Joe Allan Facebook & Zoom

18.30pm Katie-Leigh Fitness Facebook & Zoom




10.30am TBC Facebook & Zoom

Oss sensei Jason


Hello everyone
I hope you are all safe and well.
As we move forward with our dojo training, myself and the instructor team have been further discussing our gradings. Recently, we have obviously been reluctant to make definitive decisions due to the government’s tier system being implemented and the potential chance of daily change.
With that said we thought it was now important to start to make plans going forward that will allow the deserved advancement for all our students.
The next gradings are black and brown belts and I have lifted the embargo on students grading to first Kyu and I will also be implementing a covid Dan grade. All brown belts and above will be expected to train unless self isolating.
With Half term now here and the availability of the barracks, we have proposed Sunday 15th November at Bury Castle.
itinerary TBC.
Thank you for your continued support.
Sensie Jason

Zoom Classes Week 19/10/20

Itinerary as follows

Firstly many thanks to everyone who has supported the zoom classes over the past few months. As most people are back to work or school we have decided to just run the zoom sessions in the evenings. Also with our venues starting to slowly re open this should give more people chance to train within the dojo. And do any second sessions via s

Please remember to still train a minimum of twice each week.

Meeting ID: as usual
Password: as usual

Week comencing 12th October 2020


18.30 Joe Allan Facebook & Zoom


18.30 Zack & Dawud Facebook & Zoom


18.30 Catherine Honeywell Zoom & Facebook


18.30 TBC Facebook & Zoom

18.30pm Katie-Leigh Fitness Facebook & Zoom




10.30am TBC Facebook & Zoom

Oss sensei Jason

Sunday 18/10/2020 Zoom Class

Hello all.
To confirm tomorrow’s Zoom class will be taken by Katie-Leigh at 13.00pm.
Kata Basi Dia will be covered.
Normal Zoom login will apply.
Oss Sensei Jason

Zoom Online Classes Week 12/10/2020

Itinerary as follows

Firstly many thanks to everyone who has supported the zoom classes over the past few months. As most people are back to work or school we have decided to just run the zoom sessions in the evenings. Also with our venues starting to slowly re open this should give more people chance to train within the dojo. And do any second sessions via s

Please remember to still train a minimum of twice each week.
Meeting ID: as usual
Password: as usual

Week comencing 12th October 2020


18.30 Adam Samuels Facebook & Zoom


18.30 Joe Allan Facebook & Zoom


18.30 Catherine Honeywell Zoom & Facebook


18.30 TBC Facebook & Zoom

18.30pm Katie-Leigh Fitness Facebook & Zoom




10.30am TBC Facebook & Zoom

Oss sensei Jason